Giving thanks may become more difficult than it has been in recent years for many Americans. Insight into the buzz word “Hyperinflation” is at an all-time high I am reminded of something my economics professor would repeat in class again and again, “Inflation is taxation”.
As the government money begins to run out, the problems ahead are sure to become about more than social distancing, immunizations, and toilet paper shortages. As the Covid-19 programs come to an end, families are having to pay rent or their mortgage, and can no longer depend on the government for protection from their landlord’s eviction notice or their servicer’s foreclosure notice. At the same time, young students have taken out mountains of loans, having been shown statistics of graduates obtaining high paying jobs upon graduation. I don’t know about you, but the jobs I’ve seen advertised don’t always require a college education—just hard work. And our local businesses need people who can work at their restaurants or other small business, not necessarily an MBA graduate.
This Thanksgiving, I am focusing on the fundamentals and giving thanks for the basic necessities we enjoy that many other people do not. We are thankful for our families who love us, for the food we have to nourish us and for our communities that support us. Law firms in your community can help you learn about your rights as a consumer, form a business to provide you work when jobs are scarce and identify protections in the law that you were unaware of.
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for family, friends, food, football but also the opportunity to give back to my community. I am advocating for my community at a time when the sound of their voice may be the most important thing they have left.
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